Longevity Health Center

Treating causes instead of suppressing symptoms to maximize a healthy, vital lifetime.

Make an appointment

Biocannovea's Health Check enables a comprehensive health check by collecting personal data. It involves a holistic assessment of your health status in order to be able to provide you with tailor-made recommendations for your health care and possible treatments.

Tackling causes instead of suppressing symptoms

Biocannovea's Longevity Medical Center takes the approach of tackling causes rather than suppressing symptoms. By using comprehensive diagnostic methods, attempts are made to identify the root of health problems and treat them with cutting-edge medical procedures based on groundbreaking research results.


Don't just give life more years, but give years more life.

Start now with the free health check

Der Health Check von Biocannovea ermöglicht einen umfassenden Gesundheitscheck durch die Erfassung persönlicher Daten. Es geht um eine ganzheitliche Erfassung Ihres Gesundheitszustandes, um Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Empfehlungen für Ihre Gesundheitsvorsorge und mögliche Behandlungen geben zu können - Ordination Dr. Johann Hörbinger.

Tel: +4318906117-101E-Mail:

5 minutes for your health

Unsere Mission

Unser Streben ist es, durch den Einsatz fortschrittlichster Technologien und bahnbrechender Forschungsergebnisse die Lebensqualität und Langlebigkeit │ Longevity zu revolutionieren. Wir sind fest entschlossen, den medizinischen Sektor mit innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen zu bereichern, die das Potenzial haben, die Art und Weise, wie wir über Gesundheit und Prävention denken, grundlegend zu verändern.

Indem wir die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und technologischen Durchbrüche nutzen, zielt Biocannovea darauf ab, eine Ära einzuleiten, in der verbessertes Wohlbefinden und verlängerte Lebensspannen keine Utopie mehr sind, sondern greifbare Realität für jeden.

Medical longevity — highly specialized medical focus

The uniqueness and added value of Biocannovea lie in its comprehensive and highly specialized range of analyses and therapies aimed at individually optimising health and longevity. Start with the Health Check and start your personal Longevity Circle for more health and wellbeing.
Our vision
Biocannovea's vision is to be at the forefront of innovation and redefine the future of healthcare.

The innovation —
HHO blood wash

HHO hemo-hyper-oxygenation perfusion combines the process elements hemoperfusion (blood purification), hyperthermia (heat therapy) and oxygenation (oxygen therapy) in a unique way to treat cancer, Lyme disease, co-infections, and numerous chronic diseases.

Are you already living your full potential?

Biocannovea's Medical Longevity Center stands for a combination of the latest science and individual advice to help customers reach their full potential for a long and vital life. The focus is on offering individually tailored solutions to improve quality of life and longevity through innovative diagnostics and forms of therapy.
Hi! I'm Saman
Biocannovea's pioneering therapies and innovations played a crucial role in improving my health and wellbeing and enabled me to perform at my best in preparation for the Olympics. Their personalized approach and science-based products significantly improved my endurance, recovery, and mental resilience and set a new standard in helping athletes.

The bioavailability of our dietary supplements is up to 95%

Unique process:
The micellation process used to manufacture our products is a unique, natural method of making fat-soluble substances and vitamins water-soluble.

Higher bioavailability:

This process enables significantly higher bioavailability. The average value for fat-soluble substances is between 4-20%. Depending on the vital substance, water-soluble Biocannovea products can therefore be absorbed by the body significantly better than conventional dietary supplements.

Our bestsellers

With innovative micellar technology, high-quality ingredients, a comprehensive service concept and a focus on sustainability, Biocannovea is setting new standards in the world of dietary supplements.
Incense soluble in water
29.90 EUR
OPC grape seed extract
29.90 EUR
Vitamin D3+K2 soluble in water
29.90 EUR