Blood Analysis: Window to health

Find out everything about blood analysis: Which values are measured? How much do the tests cost? How does the blood draw work? FAQ included!

What values are measured during a blood analysis?

The number of values measured in a blood analysis can vary significantly, depending on the type of examination and question. The most important blood values include:

Blood count

This includes the measurement of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. There is evidence of anemia, infection, or inflammation.


Sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate are important electrolytes that are important for regulating water balance, nerve function, and muscle contraction.

Kidney values

Creatinine and urea are waste products that are excreted by the kidneys. Elevated levels may indicate kidney failure.

Liver values

GOT, GPT, gamma-GT, and bilirubin are enzymes that are produced in the liver. Elevated levels may indicate liver damage.

Blood sugar

Blood sugar levels indicate the amount of glucose in the blood. Elevated levels may indicate diabetes mellitus.


Cholesterol is a fatty substance that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in high concentrations.


Triglycerides are another form of fatty substances in the blood. Increased levels may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Blood collection process

Our blood collection is carried out in our office. Our team is looking forward to making an appointment with you.


Blood analysis is an important tool in medicine to assess a person's health status. By measuring various blood levels, indications of various diseases and risk factors can be identified. Any more questions?

How long does it take to get the results of the blood analysis?

Blood analysis results are usually available within one to two days.

Do I have to be sober for a blood test?

For some blood values, such as blood sugar, it is necessary to be fasting. This is not necessary for other blood values. Your doctor will tell you whether you need to be sober.

What can I do to improve my blood levels?

There are several things you can do to improve your blood levels. This includes:
healthy diet
regular exercise
avoiding smoking and alcohol
stress reduction

Which diseases can be identified with a blood analysis?

With a blood analysis, various diseases can be identified, e.g.: anemia, infections, inflammation, kidney weakness, liver damage, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases